Every afternoon around 4:30, through the wonder of AT&T's family plan, my mother & I enjoy a pleasant conversation about the weather or the latest happenings in her exercise class. It's enjoyable even when the chat occasionally veers toward the obligatory melancholia: hospitals; nursing homes; funerals; worthless doctors. Yesterday, Mother sounded uncharacteristically dismayed: "What are we going to do?" I'm thinking, uh-oh...who died? "About what, Mother?" "How can we flower the cross Sunday," she wonders, "Nothing is blooming here now!" Now there's a topic I wasn't expecting. Further conversation reveals the question had come up before. The renowned Pete of PETE'S FEED & SEED paid a visit to Mother's yard prior to 4:30 chat but after AS THE WORLD TURNS. He commented on the lack of abundant blooming around town. Pete is an eminent scholar in local gardening circles. If Pete is concerned about the shortage of flowers, then Mother is downright alarmed. "When are you coming? Can you bring something from your yard in Madison?", she asked me. Madison is in the north of Alabama- a different gardening zone. We might have a few daffodils left; some droopy hyacinths-nothing that will survive two days until Sunday. I suggested we go to Piggy Wiggly Saturday afternoon, buy a bouquet and select a few appropriate flowers for the cross. Obviously that is a bad plan. Mother has another idea: ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS-the bane of my existence! Holy Sunday, Batman! Chartreuse carnations? Fuchsia roses? Does Pete know about this? Maybe she'll buy silk Easter lilies. Oh, well. The cross will be 'flowered'. The tradition lives on.
Now for my tradition: GOOD FRIDAY by Black Crowes
I will see you on Good Friday
On Good Friday
I'm sorry I couldn't do this yesterday
And tomorrow I am busy and what
It is I can't say
And Saturday's no good
I got a show
So it's got to be Good Friday
Then it's so long...
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